My EOTD, let’s call it, Muthe Shades of Grey =))

Hai Readers,

Untuk hari ini saya gakkan banyak basa basi. Untuk sehari hari saya biasanya malas pakai make up mata. Kalaupun pakai eyeshadow, cuma pake warna cokelat dari caring colours, dan sedikit eyeliner (biasanya pakai mizzu yang spidol). Cuma karena ada dua barang sumbangan baru dari Mbak Andin dan satunya dapet gratisan dari Job Fair, Ibu Bedak mulai berani nih memakai warna eyeshadow baru yaitu Hitam dan Grey. Dan ternyata not bad loh, untuk yang jenis matanya seperti Ibu Bedak.

Jenis mata saya cenderung double eye lid, jadi kalau warna eyeshadownya kurang “bold” di kelopak mata, rasanya kayak gakeliatan eye shadownya. Inilah eksperimen saya yang saya gunakan untuk riasan mata sehari hari selama sekitar seminggu ini.

Makeover Eyeliner Black Jack. Easy to use and the color is so bold.
Makeover Eyeliner Black Jack. Easy to use and the color is so bold.
Still Makeover Eyeliner in Black Jack
Still Makeover Eyeliner in Black Jack
It came with cap, you'd better watch out not to break it
It came with cap, you’d better watch out not to break it
Meet my new baby, VeryMe oriflame in downtown grey, this two shades eyeshadow is sooo tiny
Meet my new baby, VeryMe oriflame in downtown grey, this two shades eyeshadow is sooo tiny
Another detail of VeryMe eyeshadow in downtown grey
Another detail of VeryMe eyeshadow in downtown grey
Another detail of VeryMe eyeshadow in downtown grey
Another detail of VeryMe eyeshadow in downtown grey
Another detail of VeryMe eyeshadow in downtown grey
Another detail of VeryMe eyeshadow in downtown grey
Two Babes
Two Babes
Dont forget to apply eyeshadow base to make your eyeshadow color more "cetar"
Dont forget to apply eyeshadow base to make your eyeshadow color more “cetar”
eyeshadow base only. Pardon my bare face :D
eyeshadow base only. Pardon my bare face 😀
After applying the black shadow of veryme eyeshadow downtown grey. You can see my eyelid become stronger.
After applying the black shadow of veryme eyeshadow downtown grey. You can see my eyelid become stronger.
After apply the grey
After apply the grey
Eyeliner makeover attack
Eyeliner makeover attack
Before After. Kiri After , kanan Before
Before After. Kiri After , kanan Before

Yups, eyeshadow ini membuat mata saya lebih terlihat bold, strong dan enak dilihat. Kadang sayang kalo punya lipatan mata tapi gak diisi warna,heheheh..

Semoga menginspirasi gaya sehari2 kalian ya ladies, see you in next post.

With Love, Muthe.

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Meutia Fitri Hasan is a proud Indonesian, Geologist who also learn about Petroleum Engineer, Blogging since 2011, Lucky for having a good husband and a handsome son.

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