Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Foaming Face Wash

Hello readers..

You’re favorite Ibu Bedak is still pursuing her master degree and planning to has thesis defense soon! By The Way~ such a long time no write post 🙁 and here’s my first review after finishing my draft.

Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Foaming Face Wash

Why? Why Himalaya Again? Is it sponsored?

No honey, It’s not 🙂 I loved himalaya so much after finish using all of their product. Honestly, I don’t like the face cream, but the facial wash is awesome. Lately, I feel boring using facewash, so I decided to try some foaming face wash. Well why I need to try? They said if you don’t want to feel dry in your skin and has a sensitive skin, you should try the foaming ones.

Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Foaming Face Wash
Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Foaming Face Wash

It comes with plastic packaging and containing 150 mL. Formulated for acne prone skin. And of course free from Paraben, SLS/SES and Phthalates. Only cost IDR 22000.

This is the meaning of "foam"
This is the meaning of “foam”

My first impression after using it.. it’s awesome. I love the foaming one that the “not foaming”. Feel moist and non soap. Make you always want to wash your face with this. I definitely will purchase this. I’ll tell you later if I have breakout problem with it..

Pros (+) : Cheap, big, not make your skin dry, no breakout

Cons (-) : Nothing 🙂

See You,


Muthe ^^

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Meutia Fitri Hasan is a proud Indonesian, Geologist who also learn about Petroleum Engineer, Blogging since 2011, Lucky for having a good husband and a handsome son.

3 thoughts on “Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Foaming Face Wash”

  1. Beli dmn kak foaming nya? Soalnya aku udah pernah cobain foaming wash Acnes Dan efeknya oke! Gak se-harsh face wash biasa. Akupun jatuh cinta produk Himalaya skrg (face mask, wash, scrub), cocok semuaaa, cm susah dicari aja sih ._.

    1. Haai say… waah aku malah nyari yang acnes, kok aku ke hypermart yang ada cuma refillnya ya? aku dapet di yogya supermarket. Harganya lg diskon pula 22 rb, aslinya 30 rban..

      1. Eeeh di hypermart ada refill yah, mayan 1 kemasan bisa untuk 3 refill,hehe. Aku dapet gratisan menang kuis, tp pernah liat deh di superindo dan guardian. Oalaah hrg diskon ya,pantes kok mrh meriah. Iya nih semua Himalaya lg diskon di Griya Yogya tp gak lengkap.

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