My Review : NZ Volcanic Clay (Black Head Clay Nose Pack) – The Face Shop

Hello Readers 🙂

Semangat pagi mengawali postingan saya hari ini. Sepertinya saya sudah ceritakan sebelumnya bahwa saya sangat kurang suka dengan problem komedo di hidung saya. Mungkin saya harus share ritual skincare saya setiap hari di kost an :

I begin my post today with my morning spirit. As I told you before that I totally dislike my blackheads on my nose. Maybe I have to share my skincare routines every day :

  • Cuci muka dengan wardah peeling cream + facial wash (wash my face with wardah peeling cream and facial foam)
  • Menggunakan toner Garnier Pure Active (using Garnier Pure Active Toner)
  • Melembabkan wajah dengan L’oreal Hydrafresh Aqua Gel (using L’oreal Hydrafresh Aqua Gel Moisturizer )
  • Mengakhiri dengan etude CC cream (finish it using Etude CC Cream)

dan inilah penampilan saya setiap pagi,

and this is me, every morning.

Me in the morning ^^, ignore my eye bags, I'm too tired
Me in the morning ^^, ignore my eye bags, I’m too tired

Dan saya akhirnya mencoba produk lain setelah melihat review sana sini, perkenalkan NZ Volcanic Clay Nosepack – The Face Shop!

And finally I tried another product after saw some review at the other blog, meet NZ Volcanic Clay Nosepack – The Face Shop!

NZ Volcanic Clay Nosepack - The Face Shop
NZ Volcanic Clay Nosepack – The Face Shop
The Direction Behind , Korean Language -_-"
How to use and Ingredients, Korean Language -_-“


Cara pemakaiannya cukup mudah, Cukup ambil sedikit, balurkan menutupi hidung. Diamkan sampai maskernya mengering, lalu diangkat seperti menarik plester. Lebih mirip porepack versi liquid. Ada sensasi dingin ketika menggunakan, wanginya juga enak.

This product is easy to use. Just pick some, apply it to cover your nose. Wait until the nosepack dried. then just take it off like take some plester/bandage off.  Just like porepack in liquid version. Cooling sensation came when use it, it also smells good.


My big nose
My big nose
Try to take it off
Try to take it off
The result -_-"
The result -_-“

Okay , here’s the result 🙂

1. Untuk komedo berukuran besar dan mudah diangkat, it works! , tapi untuk komedo kecil yang tersebar banyak di sela sela hidung, perlu diangkat dengan tangan sendiri sepertinya. (for big sized blackheads, it works! but for little sized blackheads which is spread in hidden place on nose, you need to take it off by your own hand)

2. Tidak sakit ketika diangkat dan baunya enak (not hurt when take it off and smells good)

3.Rephurcase?? maybe yes maybe no, I want to try inisfree first!


Regards 🙂







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Meutia Fitri Hasan is a proud Indonesian, Geologist who also learn about Petroleum Engineer, Blogging since 2011, Lucky for having a good husband and a handsome son.

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