Pengalaman Ikut Ikut Azzura Model Hunt 2015

Hai Haiiii…

Ibu Bedak lagi genit abis nih, ikut ikutan azzura model hunt padahal fisik jauh dr kata model. Really, I feel proud with my face but as a model, I think my body is OUT OF RANGE! really!

FYI, even if you want to be “plus size model”, you still need to excess 165 cm at least, and me?? with 154cm/65kg, seems like it’s better if i just continue my study =))

But in azzura model, you don’t need to follow those strict rules, even i doubt that if they not consider anything physically, but just let’s give some try.

The registration fee is IDR 185rb, but you’ll get some picture that has been taken by the photographer. But still, since it’s my second model hunt, (the first is with such! model hunt, find me here , I’m little bit skinny at my past), coba aja kali yaa ^^.

Penilaian akan diberikan berdasarkan make up, kostum, dan how you pose in front of the camera. I rarely using full make up a newbie? what do you think?


DIY Makeup (2)
DIY Makeup (2)
Suasana de Tuik Resto
Suasana de Tuik Resto
Makasih Mbak Andin dan Azra udah nemenin Onti foto foto :)
Makasih Mbak Andin dan Azra udah nemenin Onti foto foto 🙂
Ceritenye udah mulai luntur make upnya
Ceritenye udah mulai luntur make upnya
I kinda feel warnanya agak awkward gak sih??
I kinda feel warnanya agak awkward gak sih??
Adzra yang selalu setia menemani :D
Adzra yang selalu setia menemani 😀
Look at this!!
Look at this!!

Lokasi pemotretannya di De Tuik Resto and Resort at Bojongkoneng atas-Bandung. Haaaah saingannya pada cantik2 loooh, I’m not expecting too much, but still, yang penting kita berani mencoba kan ya guys,

See you in next post!

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Meutia Fitri Hasan is a proud Indonesian, Geologist who also learn about Petroleum Engineer, Blogging since 2011, Lucky for having a good husband and a handsome son.